Meet Catalina Cheng (she/they/he), nonbinary Colombian-Chinese American ceramist from Tampa, Florida. Catalina graduated from the University of South Florida in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science (Magna Cum Lade), has worked as an art teacher at the Tampa at the City of Tampa Art Studios, and was a Visiting Artist from 2019-2020 at the Tampa Museum of Art. Catalina has been creating work since elementary school and has been recognized worldwide! 

"I consider all of my works to be self-portraits, each illustrating a different facet of my personality. As I continue to produce more and more art, the resolution of my self-image and artistic identity becomes clearer. Drawing from my daydreams, I like to fuse terrestrial and celestial elements that embody my own prismatic universe in a lighthearted and humorous way. Collectively, my works act as a record of the emotions I experience, the strongest being love. I am a romantic and I hold the value that I can create objects that have an extraordinary effect on myself and others. I aim to make people laugh and incite the same joy that I experience while creating."

"When the only representation of people like you is stereotypes, that is all people will see. Every action becomes about denying or affirming their preconceived notions. It is my duty to keep creating and representing myself as accurately as possible. My work provokes thought about inequalities and see through my eyes. I am proud to be a Colombian and Chinese American woman and aim to create art that captures the dichotomy and duality of these parts of myself."

"I am most inspired by the things in life that exhilarate me. When I am not making art, I am either skateboarding or spending time with the ones I love. Being in love and skateboarding are similar because the thought of falling and getting hurt can be intimidating, but it is the most fun and thrilling experience when you go all in. I think that joy and excitement emanates from my art."

Thank you so much Catalina and Zachary for sharing your work with Awkward Skate Magazine! Your work is amazing and love how much of your identity and love for skating shines through. You can find more of Catalina here on Instagram and Zachary on Instagram


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